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Smart Talk: New interactive learning tool shows the power of conversation

What’s the best way to support the language and early literacy development of very young children? There’s a well-established and growing base of evidence for the power of adult-child conversations with words. A new, interactive learning tool from Read On Arizona — Smart Talk — is now available to help reinforce this message with parents … Read More

Parentz Pod

The pArentZ pod – The Arizona baby and toddler podcast by First Things First – features interesting conversations with early childhood experts and information you can use to be the best parent you can be. Hosted by K Vilay, each episode also lets you know where you can find early childhood programs and services in your Arizona … Read More

What Looks Like Misbehavior Might Be Stress

[0:00:00] [Music]  Interviewer:   Welcome to The Parentz Pod, the Arizona baby and toddler podcast from First Things First. I’m Kay Vilay. Today, we’re going to talk about stress and the big emotions that come with it. All parents feel stress, and so do young children, even babies. We’ll talk about being a stress detective, how … Read More

Navigating the Partner Grant Management System

First Things First’s partner grant management system (PGMS) is a secure extranet environment through which most FTF reporting is submitted. Please review the following videos for instruction on how to complete program narrative reports, requests for reimbursement, data reporting and other common functions related to your grant award such as a budget modification or a … Read More

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