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Early childhood educator reading to student

Pima County coalition partners to support working parents

  • Pima North

The Family Engagement Network, which includes FTF Pima North and South, recently received a national grant to advance support for working parents of young…

Dr. Joseph Hentges

Dr. Joseph Hentges is Pima South’s 2018 Champion for Young Children

  • champion

Dr. Joseph Hentges has been selected as the 2018 Pima South First Things First Champion for Young Children.The award is given to local champions who actively…

smiling teacher

College scholarship a life-changer for child care provider

  • Quality First

When Desiree Lohrenz decided to open a home child care center in Tucson, she wanted it to be the kind of early learning environment that would have a lasting…

Quality First preschool helps Tucson boy transition to kindergarten

  • Pima South

Anita Meek had a decision to make.Her son Levi was turning five in September, but he would miss the cut-off day for kindergarten by ten days. She weighed…

Susan Pace is Pima South’s 2017 Champion for Young Children

  • champion

Susan Pace has been selected as the 2017 Pima South First Things First Champion for Young Children.The award is given to local champions who actively volunteer…


Tucson dad learns how to help son be ready for kindergarten

  • Pima South

Miguel Cortez of Tucson has three sons, twins who are in sixth grade, and Christopher, who started kindergarten this fall. Although all of his children…


Dads play important role in social-emotional development of children

  • Pima South

Samara hesitated at first, but with the encouragement of her dad, the toddler soon began clapping her hands and swaying to the music. She was among dozens of…

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