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First Things First First Things First

Region Stories from Pima South

These stories illustrate how early childhood programs and services funded by First Things First make a difference for young children and families in communities across Arizona.

Pima County Parenting Coalition logo

Pima County Parenting Coalition is the 2021 Pima South Champion for Young Children

  • champion

The Pima County Parenting Coalition has been selected as the 2021 First Things First Pima South Region Champion for Young Children.The award is given to local…

Programs aim to create stable environment for children of incarcerated parents

  • family support

FTF supports programs for families of young children who face challenges because they have a parent in jail or prison.

Cover of book

Parenting class at state prison complex in Tucson helps create positive learning environment for…

  • family support

A parenting education program funded by the FTF Pima South Region helps incarcerated parents create positive learning environments for their children.

preschool teacher reading a book to a group of children

Becoming a better preschool teacher through a community of practice

  • early childhood

The professional development program is designed to strengthen knowledge of developmentally appropriate practices and how young kids learn.

Isabella Valencia

Isabella Valencia is the 2020 First Things First Pima South Champion

  • champion

Isabella Valencia has been selected as the 2020 First Things First Pima South Champion for Young Children.The award is given to local champions who actively…

Miss City of Tucson Outstanding Teen is with a little girl in front of a slide at a playground.

Teen advocates for Arizona’s youngest children

  • champion

At 16, Isabella Valencia has become a strong advocate for spreading the word of the importance of early childhood education.

Home visitation helps Tucson boy be ready for kindergarten

  • Pima South

After enrolling in Parents as Teachers, Yadel Arvizue feels confident that Angel will have the social and academic skills to be ready for kindergarten.

Olga Guerrero

Olga Guerrero is the 2019 Pima South Region Champion

  • champion

Olga Guerrero has been selected as the 2019 First Things First Pima South Region Champion for Young Children.

Mom and son hugging

Vail preschooler builds his problem solving skills at Quality First center

  • Quality First

At Creation School in Vail, the team of teachers work with children to develop academic and social-emotional skills needed for the rest of their lives.

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