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Focusing on early childhood mental health

  • social-emotional development

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a time to focus attention on the social, emotional and behavioral health of our young children.Just like their physical…

three women stand outside of Phoenix resort, holding an award

FTF and partners honored for keeping young kids on track with immunizations

  • La Paz/Mohave

FTF and partners were chosen for a series of pop-up immunization events to help families catch up after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Two young children running outside of their portable classroom as the teacher looks on.

Expanding child care options in Arizona one center at a time

  • Gila

In recent years, across Arizona, FTF has supported expanded child care options through direct funding and collaborating on ideas.

teacher and preschoolers around a table with play dough and cutters

Creating a pipeline of early childhood teachers in eastern Arizona

  • Graham/Greenlee

A new 2+2 program will help early childhood teachers attain their bachelor’s degree in early childhood degree in eastern Arizona.

two woman standing behind a table with early childhood educational items and brochures

Helping Arizona’s active military families find early childhood resources quickly

  • AZ communities

The collaboration between First Things First and Arizona’s military bases is evident during April’s Month of the Military Child.

Celebrating Arizona’s youngest learners

  • AZ communities

Earlier this month, First Things First teamed with the Arizona Association for the Education of Young Children (AzAEYC) to celebrate the Week of the Young…

child care provider holding baby in pink in a classroom. Small boy in the fore ground.

Monthly assistance available for Arizona’s child care providers

  • child care

The Arizona Department of Economic Security is offering monthly grants of $2,500 to $10,000 to licensed child care providers.

Photo of mom and dad holding baby girl

Putting positive parenting into action with young children

  • parent education/awareness

FTF has partnered with ZERO TO THREE, to promote Positive Parenting, which focuses on building loving relationships through everyday moments.

Headshot of Melinda Morrison Gulick

Q&A with Melinda Morrison Gulick, CEO of First Things First

  • AZ communities

Melinda Morrison Gulick joined First Things First as Chief Executive Officer on March 7. Read her first impressions and future plans for FTF.

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