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Education matters in the military

Why early childhood matters to…the military

  • early childhood

More than 600 retired admirals, generals and top military leaders who are part of Mission: Readiness advocate for high-quality early childhood experiences,…

Litchfield Park

Litchfield Park educators lead innovative work to help prepare kids for kindergarten

  • Southwest Maricopa

A team of education leaders from the Litchfield Elementary School District are helping families access tools that help their young children prepare for…


2016 Annual Report details return on AZ’s early childhood investment

  • data & research

Since the inception of First Things First, the percentage of kindergarteners with untreated tooth decay has decreased by 8%. This and other notable…

First Things First Logo

Audit: FTF is high-performing organization

  • investments

​Arizona’s Auditor General has released an 83-page audit that describes First Things First as a high-performing organization committed to continuous…

Oral Health

Taking a bite out of school absences

  • school readiness

A recent report shows that First Things First and its early childhood partners are reducing untreated tooth decay among AZ kindergarteners, a leading cause of…


KidsCare Enrollment Now Open

  • health & nutrition

Enrollment in the state’s health insurance program for children in low-income working families has re-opened after a six-year freeze. As many as 30,000…

Nadine Basha Chair

Nadine Mathis Basha Elected FTF Board Chair

  • board

The First Things First Board selected Nadine Mathis Basha as its chair for fiscal years 2017-2018. She previously served as founding chair of the Board from…

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