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Sesame Street Muppets in a group

Sesame Street in Communities expands to Maricopa County to build young kids’ coping skills

  • family support

Families can watch “Little Children, Big Challenges” with the Sesame Street Muppets on Facebook Premiere at 10 a.m. Arizona time, Oct. 6.

woman holding hands of young girl, consoling

Court Teams in Maricopa County determined to improve the lives of babies and toddlers in the child…

  • supporting families engaged in the child welfare system

The Court Teams Strategy seeks to increase the awareness of developmental needs of young kids for those working in the child welfare system.

2020 Annual Report

First Things First 2020 Annual Report details continued commitment to children and communities

  • early childhood

This year we are proudest of the role that FTF and partners played in ensuring crucial early childhood programs continued during the crisis.

Encuentre Servicios

New online tool helps Spanish-speaking parents find programs and services in their area

  • early childhood

Encuentre Servicios is a companion to FTF’s Find Programs, which provides an easy way to find FTF-funded programs available near you.

four windows with two women, one man and summit logo

Virtual FTF Early Childhood Summit 2020 triples conference attendance

  • early childhood

The FTF Early Childhood Summit 2020 welcomed more than 4,000 attendees for online learning and support for early child care professionals.

Smart Talk: New interactive learning tool shows the power of conversation

  • literacy

What’s the best way to support the language and early literacy development of very young children? There’s a well-established and growing base of evidence…

Eddie Basha award certificate

First Things First Phoenix North Region honored with Eddie Basha Award for Leadership and Service

  • Phoenix North

Community volunteers from theFTF Phoenix North Region were honored for their work to improve access to healthy food for young children.

preschool teacher reading a book to a group of children

Becoming a better preschool teacher through a community of practice

  • PD for ECE providers

The professional development program is designed to strengthen knowledge of developmentally appropriate practices and how young kids learn.

boy playing with toys at child care

An uncertain future for child care in Arizona

  • early childhood

Early childhood experts discuss what the future holds for child care in Arizona and how our economy can survive without this crucial support.

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