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News and happenings about First Things First

little girl standing with woman in glasses looking at her

Efforts expand to support the social and emotional health of young children during challenging times

  • mental health

An influx of federal money will allow more providers to access early childhood mental health consultation during a climate of uncertainty.

A woman in black t-shirt is handing a bag of produce to another woman.

Pilot program successfully helps young children living in food deserts access more fresh, locally…

  • health & nutrition

The farm-to-family model works to distribute locally grown produce to families of young children through FTF’s early childhood partners.

children sitting on church floor listening to a teacher read them a book.

Partnering with faith communities in supporting families and young children

  • family support

Faith communities play an important role in supporting high-quality early childhood experiences to help children be ready for kindergarten.

Teacher holding a young child over a sink helping to wash the child's hands.

Free online child care training launched

  • professional development

Starting Oct. 25, FTF will fund up to 15,000 subscribers to have access to the entire ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI) training catalog.

November is National Native American Heritage Month graphic

Reintroducing traditional indigenous foods to keep young children healthy in body, mind and spirit

  • tribal

FTF partners with several Arizona tribes to support introducing indigenous foods to their communities’ babies, toddlers and preschoolers.

blue box that says FTF welcomes new board members

New community leaders bring both past experience and fresh perspectives to FTF Board

  • AZ communities

The First Things First Board recently welcomed two new members Steve Lynn of Tucson and Bea Rocklin of Phoenix.

Use of health consultants on the rise among child care providers

  • AZ communities

The AZ Healthy Child Care Helpline is available free of charge to Arizona child care providers to connect with a trained health expert.

First Things First 2021 Annual Report showcases resilience and determination of those who serve…

  • AZ communities

First Things First recently published its State Fiscal Year 2021 Annual Report, Fulfilling Our Commitments to Children and Communities.

Woman kneeling in a sandbox with three preschool students.

Pima County collaboration makes high-quality early learning more accessible to preschoolers

  • Pima South

Early childhood advocates in Pima County have succeeded in securing funding for about 1,200 scholarships for preschoolers.

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