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First Things First First Things First

Parenting Blog

Information and inspiration for parents and caregivers of babies, toddlers and preschoolers.

tips for having back and forth conversations with your baby

Baby, let’s talk! Serve and return

  • language & literacy

Having back-and-forth conversations with your baby, even before they can use words, helps them learn and develop language. It’s easy and fun to do.

Test your knowledge of early childhood

  • child development

The more you know about child development, the better you can meet your child’s needs and help them learn and grow.

Woman holding smiling baby

Parents: Be a voice for young kids and families in your Arizona community

  • AZ communities

P​arents of young children and other volunteers are needed to help impact the early childhood services and programs available in local communities across…

parents with toddlers

Make the most of their early years

  • parenting

Your child’s first five years will have a big impact on their future. Learn how you can help them develop and grow.

Shopping with your child can help them eat better

Tips to get your toddler to try (and eventually like) new foods

  • health & nutrition

Young kids can be reluctant to try new things to eat. Here are some ways to motivate your toddler to take that first bite.

Helping young kids have a happy holiday season

  • social-emotional development

The holidays can mean disrupted routines and unfamiliar faces and places. Get some tips to make your child more comfortable.

Ease young kids into Halloween for a smooth experience

  • social-emotional development

To have a smooth and safe holiday for young children, parents and caregivers should be on the lookout for fears and anxieties.

Connecting with your baby’s emotions

  • child development

Babies feel safe and secure when they trust their parents to respond to their needs and soothe their emotions when they feel distressed. With that confidence,…

early vision screening can help correct problems

Keep an eye on your child’s vision

  • health and developmental screenings

Young kids learn through their senses, and any problems with your child’s vision health are easier to correct with early treatment.

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