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First Things First First Things First

Parenting Blog

Information and inspiration for parents and caregivers of babies, toddlers and preschoolers.

Playtime is serious business for young children

Playtime is serious business for kids

  • parenting

​Play​ is a natural and important way young children discover and learn. Parents and caring adults can do their part by getting in the game.

Toddler behavior, playing in the pantry

Is my 1-year-old’s behavior naughty or normal?

  • parenting

Getting into things, unrolling the toilet paper and dropping food on the floor are part of how your baby makes sense of the world.

Picky eaters - toddler not wanting to eat food

Babies and toddlers can be fussy or picky eaters. Sometimes it’s more serious.

  • health & nutrition

Children with pediatric feeding disorders are more than fussy babies or picky eaters. But it can be very hard for parents to recognize the difference.​

Hug your baby early and often. It’s good for the brain.

  • parenting

It makes sense, but now there’s research that the more ​gentle touching the better for a baby’s brain.

Child Development baby podcast

Podcast: The Basics of Baby and Toddler Development

  • AZ communities

This episode is about the most important and useful things for parents – especially new parents – to know about child development.

Mother playing with daughter rattle

Pay attention to your child’s development

  • infants

Every child develops at their own pace, but there are certain milestones they should reach from birth to 5 years old.

Reading for life skills

Reading with your child builds more than just words

  • early learning

​​Reading together helps young children develop important life skills as well as language and literacy.

Screen Time

FaceTime can help babies connect with long-distance relatives

  • screentime

​​Video chat is an exception to pediatricians’ “no screens for babies” recommendation because it enables responsive, back-and-forth…

Parenteen: A survival guide

Teen parents: Keeping your dreams alive

  • parenting

​​Being a young parent isn’t easy, but with a team of supporters and a solid plan, you can achieve your goals and be an even better parent.

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