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First Things First First Things First

First Things Blog

Information and inspiration for parents and caregivers of babies, toddlers and preschoolers

Walking to Kindergarten

A parent’s guide to planning for kindergarten

  • school readiness

From the parent of an almost-first grader, here are some things to check out ahead of time, before your child’s big day.


Use summer to prepare for kindergarten success

  • school readiness

The first day of kindergarten is a big step for young kids. Families can use the summer to help make the transition to kindergarten easier.

Father and toddler son reading together

Podcast: Reading, Language and Early Literacy

  • Read On Arizona

Learn how you can help your baby or toddler develop a love of books and the skills they’ll need to learn to read.

Playtime is serious business for young children

Playtime is serious business for kids

  • parenting

​Play​ is a natural and important way young children discover and learn. Parents and caring adults can do their part by getting in the game.

Toddler behavior, playing in the pantry

Is my 1-year-old’s behavior naughty or normal?

  • parenting

Getting into things, unrolling the toilet paper and dropping food on the floor are part of how your baby makes sense of the world.

Picky eaters - toddler not wanting to eat food

Babies and toddlers can be fussy or picky eaters. Sometimes it’s more serious.

  • health & nutrition

Children with pediatric feeding disorders are more than fussy babies or picky eaters. But it can be very hard for parents to recognize the difference.​

Hug your baby early and often. It’s good for the brain.

  • parenting

It makes sense, but now there’s research that the more ​gentle touching the better for a baby’s brain.

Baby reading a book

Growing a reader from the very beginning

  • language & literacy

Reading with your baby is a great way to help them build language skills and form a close bond with you.

Child Development baby podcast

Podcast: The Basics of Baby and Toddler Development

  • AZ communities

This episode is about the most important and useful things for parents – especially new parents – to know about child development.

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