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First Things First First Things First

Parenting Blog

Information and inspiration for parents and caregivers of babies, toddlers and preschoolers.

Parents can make a difference in Arizona’s early childhood system

  • parent education/awareness

As parents and caregivers, we make sacrifices and decisions to ensure the strongest start for our children. Many families in Arizona rely on child care to be…

Mothering help son count using their fingers

A parent’s guide to getting ready for the first day of kindergarten

  • kindergarten readiness

Learn how to encourage kindergarten readiness long before the first day of school through routines, practicing skills and more.

A parent interacts with her children as they learn social-emotional skills and play together.

Developing a child’s social skills through playtime

  • social-emotional development

Learn the developmental stages of sharing and turn-taking and how to support social-emotional skills through play.

girl and boy holding hands

Four things to consider when setting up a playdate

  • play

Play dates are great for young children’s development because they help them explore, learn and develop social skills through play.

Parent shows love to newborn through interaction

Essential bonding with baby tips for new parents

  • bonding

Learn how consistent, loving care strengthens your relationship with your baby and sets the stage for their lifelong emotional health.

fun activities you can do at-home with young children

At-home activities: Another day, another way to play

  • play

As the days at home start to pile up, here are some ideas for fun at-home activities that highlight how young children learn and grow through play.

Fostering gratitude in toddlers and preschoolers

  • social-emotional development

Gratitude can be a difficult concept for toddlers and preschoolers. The holiday season is a good time to help them learn some important life lessons.

Baby reading a book

First steps in reading: Tips for reading with baby

  • language & literacy

Reading with your baby is a great way to help them build language skills and form a close bond with you.

Father sitting in park and playing with toddler boy

Outdoor play is important and boosts learning

  • play

Play in an outdoor, natural environment helps engage a young child’s senses and allows toddlers and preschoolers to exercise their bodies and minds.

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