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Business Impact of Child Care Calculator

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What impacts your employees impacts your business

The lack of accessible and affordable child care can wreak havoc on parents’ work lives. More than half of parents report being late for work, leaving work early or being distracted at work due to child care problems. Nearly two-thirds reported missing a full day of work, while 28% of parents have quit a job due to child care problems. 

Calculate the estimated cost that affects your bottom line

Input the total number of employees in your organization, the number of employees with children under the age of six, and the total annual wages and salaries. Once populated, the tool populates the total annual financial loss caused by child care issues, further broken down by lost wages due to parent absences, indirect and direct losses to the business, and the replacement cost for employees who quit due to a lack of child care.

This calculator and its output are estimates based on actual data to illustrate the impact and based on the Louisiana Policy Institute for Children’s Economic Impact Calculator For Businesses.

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