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Two panelists sitting at a table in front of a large screen.

Tribal child care forum talks challenges and solutions for tribal gaming industry

  • child care crisis

Lack of affordable and dependable child care impacts the gaming industry, which serves as an important economic driver in many tribal communities.

Arizona Commerce Authority logo

Partnerships between families, employers, communities and public investments needed to address…

  • child care crisis

The need for child care in Arizona is expected to grow by as much as 32% over the next 10 years, according to a recent report.

Hundreds rally at the state Capitol as child care takes focus as a workforce support

  • child care crisis

The gathering comes at a critical time as current legislative opportunities could help stabilize child care for working families.

Bold action needed to support Arizona’s working families and economy

  • child care crisis

The future of Arizona’s children depends on continued investments made in their early years. Replacement revenue is needed to prevent cuts to critical…

Parents As Teachers study shows significant improvements for families in key areas

  • home visitation

First Things First is one of the largest funder of home visitation programs in the state, allocating around $14 million per year.

FTF is recognized for efforts to improve education at the start of the education continuum

  • AZ communities

Education Forward Arizona awarded Arizona’s early childhood agency with a North Star award at its annual event.

FTF committed to working in collaboration with tribes in Arizona

  • tribal

For FTF, supporting Arizona’s early childhood education system within tribal communities is rooted in a respect for tribal sovereignty.

Child care provider in a classroom with two small children.

Child care providers took a step forward with federal pandemic relief funding and now feel like…

  • child care crisis

The loss of federal COVID-19 relief funding with no replacement funding has left Arizona child care providers struggling.

Child care cited as significant barrier to pursuing training and education after high school

  • AZ communities

Arizonans cited finances, personal issues, work and child care as reasons for not completing education or training beyond high school.

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