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First Things First First Things First

Advocate for Early Childhood

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Support children today. Strengthen Arizona’s tomorrow.

During these first five years, a child’s brain grows more than at any other time. Research shows that the quality of a child’s experiences as an infant, toddler and preschooler set the foundation for their later success in school and life.

Created by a 2006 citizens’ initiative, First Things First is Arizona’s only public funding dedicated exclusively to supporting Arizona children’s development, health and early learning from birth to age 5. However, as the needs of young children continue to grow, FTF is facing a dramatic decline in tobacco revenue—our agency’s primary source of funding. Since inception, annual revenues have decreased by nearly 40%.


Arizona’s Early Childhood Public Policy

The First Things First Government Affairs team partners with system leaders and policymakers to elevate early childhood policy through site tours, advocacy and direct lobbying to highlight early childhood investments’ transformative impact on communities.

For questions on policy priorities, please contact and sign up for our newsletters below.

The FTF Board’s Public Policy Priorities

Decades of research highlight the long-term benefits of investing in early childhood. The First Things First Board has identified six key policy priorities to support Arizona children from birth to age 5:

  • Strengthening families
  • Expanding access to quality early learning
  • Promoting early health and development
  • Building a sustainable early childhood workforce
  • Enhancing system coordination and leadership
  • Supporting research and accountability

How You Can Take Action

Together, we can shape Arizona’s future. Join us in advocating for early childhood programs that strengthen families and communities across the state.

Arizona Leaders Supporting Early Childhood

First Things First collaborates with business, education and community leaders to emphasize the importance of early childhood in local communities. Together, we’re building a better future for Arizona’s youngest learners.

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